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Fresh 48

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Fresh 48 Photography in Indianapolis – Don’t Miss Announcement

Fresh 48 Photography in Indianapolis – Don’t Miss Announcement

Fresh 48 Photographer in Indianapolis
black and white image of baby in hospital with parents

Newborn Logan – Fresh 48 Photography in Carmel, Indiana

This sweet girl was tiny but mighty. She was only 4 hours old for her Fresh 48 session at St. Vincent Carmel Hospital. She was super alert and she knew what she wanted! If she wasn’t happy she would wail. When she was happy she would stare me down with her beautiful eyes. She weighed […]

It Feels So Good to be Back in the Hospital – Indianapolis Birth and Fresh 48 Photography

I miss being at the hospital all the time to capture those fresh new babies! I used to do a bunch of Fresh 48 sessions and Indianapolis birth photography. With the COVID restrictions that has been difficult these last few years. However, the hospitals are finally starting to open back up which is super exciting […]

baby holding dad's finger

The Last Fresh 48 Session Before Corona – Indianapolis Photographer

Writing this post seems super surreal. When I did this session there were rumbles of Corona and at that point it was more of a joke then anything else. Colleges (and all schools) were still still in session and they were having Corona parties. The hospital was more concerned about the Flu then Corona. No […]

Baby Corinne Meets Her Big Sisters – Indianapolis Fresh 48 Session at Community Hospital North

I think every family should book a Fresh 48 session. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first baby or 5th. There are just so many memories that happen in those first few hours of baby’s life that you will want to remember! Your baby will only be this tiny this one time. Trust me, you […]

in-hospital fresh 48 session
Birth photography

It’s a Girl – Indianapolis Birth Photography

I’ve had the joy of capturing so many milestones for this lovely family including their wedding and the birth of their 1st baby together. I couldn’t have been more excited to photograph the birth of their 2nd little one! Birth is never dull and this mama makes it look so easy! They didn’t find out […]

Meet Hayden – St. Vincent Carmel Hospital Fresh 48 Photography

This session was all sorts of crazy (no fault of anyone – except maybe me). First I arrive to the session and realize I forgot a memory card – whoops. I’ve been shooting for 10 years now and I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve ever showed up without a memory card. I […]

crying newborn baby in hospital
Fresh 48 Photography

Community Hospital North – Birth and Fresh 48 Session in Indianapolis

When this client booked with me I was free all around her due date except for one day… I had to go home for a family wedding. Well it just so happens she had her baby that day. Good news is I had an awesome back-up photographer on call for that day so those beautiful […]

Baby Barr #3 – Fresh 48 Session at St. Vincent Carmel Hospital

This family means the world to me! I’ve had the honor of photographing all three of these boys as newborns. When the first little guy was born I didn’t even have a studio so I came to their home with LOTS of stuff and set up my little travel studio in their home. For their […]

Boys with new brother
outside of hospital

Baby Weston – Central Indiana Hospital Photography – Fresh 48 Session

That time in the hospital before you get to bring baby home is such a special time! Your baby is so teenie tiny and the time in the hospital goes by in such a blur. I love it when clients choose to capture this time in their lives and I’m sure they love the resulting […]



fresh 48


cake smash


Documenting growing families through every meaningful milestone:


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