
Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California







Recent Sessons of:

Jack is 8 – Gaming Photo Session

Every year, I do a photo session for each of my kids on their birthday. It’s a wonderful tradition and the photos are perfect for customized thank you cards. This year, I had the joy of capturing my son as he turned eight. This year’s session was video gaming themed to celebrate his love of gaming. We had so much fun setting up the shoot with his favorite games and gear. He was in his element, showing off his biggest smiles and favorite poses.

Jack is 8 - gaming photo shoot
Little girl mermaid photo shoot

Mermaid Magic: Brynn’s 5th Birthday Photoshoot

Every year, around my kid’s birthday, I do a special photo shoot for them. My second born, Brynn, hit the big 5 and you better believe she had something special in mind: a mermaid photoshoot. She rocked it and had fun doing it!

Best Things to do with Kids on Indy’s North Side – Indoor & Outdoors

Frequently, my Indianapolis photography clients inquire about my go-to spots for family outings. So, I’ve compiled our favorite destinations in one handy guide for you to enjoy too!

Fun Things to do with Kids on Indy's North Side
Green rainbow smash cake

Luka: My Rainbow Baby and Closing a Chapter of Motherhood – Green Rainbow Themed 1st Birthday Cake Smash Session

Life is full of chapters, each with its own unique beauty and significance. As a mother, my journey has been full of love, joy, and challenges. Today, I find myself reflecting on the bittersweet milestone of my last baby’s cake smash session. Luka, my precious rainbow baby, has brought immense happiness to our lives. While this celebration marked the end of an era, it also reminded me of the completeness and contentment that now fills our family.

Our Rainbow Baby – Little Luka Lane

It’s been a LONG journey to get this little guy here. If you have followed my story you know that getting pregnant has never been easy for us. It takes a lot of time and probably some luck. We were able to get pregnant a little less then two years after my middle child was […]

Indianapolis Newborn Photography - 3 siblings with newborn baby
Birthday girl standing up

Brynn’s 1st Birthday Cake Smash – Plum, Blue, and Green 1st Birthday Setup

I can’t believe my baby girl is one. I know they say time flies but you don’t really feel it so deeply until it’s your little baby that grows up so quickly before your eyes. I’ve always dreamed of having a little girl and I can’t believe this precious little one calls me mom (and […]

Top 10 Highlights of 2019 from KristeenMarie Photography

2019 was another great year – both personally and professionally. Personally I had my 2nd child so I took a 3 month maternity leave. Professionally I still photographed 131 kids and families from around the Indianapolis area, even though I took a quarter of the year off! So it’s been a busy year but I […]

Indianapolis photography in 2019

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

From my family to yours, I hope you had a very happy New Year and a very Merry Christmas. I used this holiday to take some pictures of my own kids (and some of our friends). I hope you enjoy our Christmas card picture featuring our two kids (Jack age 3.5 and Brynn 9 months) […]

Jack is Three – Vehicle Themed Birthday Session

I can’t believe my baby is three!! This year has flown by, but that seems to be the new normal now. Over the last year Jack has turned from a toddler to a little boy. He went from saying words and putting together sentences to telling full on elaborate stories. My sweet boy will talk […]

Three year old boy pictures - car themed
Indianapolis newborn photography - newborn baby girl in white

Baby Brynn – The Photographer’s Kid – Indianapolis Newborn Photography

I just start shooting clients (only clients who were booked before we knew we were pregnant – so milestone sessions) again two weekends ago and I’m about to come back from maternity leave (meaning I’m taking new clients) full time here shortly. So I thought it’s about time I show you some pictures of our […]



fresh 48


cake smash


Documenting growing families through every meaningful milestone:


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