
Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California







Recent Sessons of:

Top 10 Locations in Indianapolis to Take Pictures – Family Photograhy or Engagment Photography

Indianapolis is a great city and there are TONS of great places in Indy to take pictures. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for the hottest places to take engagement pictures in Indianapolis or the best family photography locations in Indianapolis. All of these location work well for both types of sessions. I have […]

top 10 locations in Indianapolis to take pictures
Happy Girl

Hannah is 6 Months Old | Avon, IN Child Photography

You may remember this little lady from her newborn pictures taken around Christmas time. Well, she is now 6 months old and cuter than ever. I can’t get over her gorgeous blue eyes! I hope you enjoy Hannah’s 6 month pictures… She is so cute, even when she pouts… Are you looking for a child […]

Family Fun | Carmel, IN Family Photography

This was not your typical session, it was more like three sessions in one. First we started with family pictures, then we moved into a proposal (yes the actual proposal, but more on that in my next blog post), and ended with some engagement pictures. Since there are so many pictures, I’m going to break […]

Crosley is 6 months old | Noblesville, IN Family Photography

I’ve been shooting this little family since Crosley was born, and now she is 6 months old! For this session we decided to do an outdoor family photography session in Noblesville. This was my first time visiting the downtown Noblesville area and I’m going to have to say…it is pretty cute! It is almost as […]

Mother’s Day Family Pictures | Indianapolis Family Photogrpahy

I love everything about this big and beautiful family – I love their clothing choices, their cheerful smiles, and most importantly the love that they share with  each other. This family was all together for Mother’s Day. They took some time out of their celebration to take family pictures. Grandma and Grandpa with their grand […]

Hadley | Indianapolis Lifestyle & Posed Newborn Photography

I had the pleasure of being one of the first people to meet little baby Hadley and she was a doll! She was a pure joy to work with. Hadley slept though her entire session – this almost never happens. Just walking into the home you could feel the love everyone had for each other. […]

The Weymouth Twins are 6 Months Old | Indianapolis Child Photography

I love these two – they are just so stinking cute! I’ve been lucky enough to photograph these babies since birth and has been exciting to see them grow so quickly! Are you looking for a child photographer in Indianapolis? Be sure to contact KristeenMarie Photography to check availability.

Twins Cake Smash – Indianapolis Photographer

Happy first birthday to this lovely set of twins! If you think cake smash sessions are cute, add two kiddos and they are twice as cute! We started out with some studio type photos and then moved into cake smashing. Happy babies! Here are the cakes – before and after the session. Ever wonder what […]

Quack, Chirp, Chirp – Indianapolis Outdoor Family Easter Pictures

Well this session was full of surprises! A friend of mine lives on a farm and was nice enough to let us come and take pictures with their baby ducks and chicks for an Easter themed session. I couldn’t have asked for cuter subjects – yes the animals were cute but the two girls were […]

The Best Family | Broadripple, IN Family Photography

Meet the Best family. These three make up the cutest little family. During this family photography session we spent some time around the house taking some pictures and then ventured outside in the unseasonably warm weather. My favorite part of this session was watching Baby Best listen to his dad pay the guitar – so […]



fresh 48


cake smash


Documenting growing families through every meaningful milestone:


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